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You turn around for 5 minutes and its 4 months since you last posted. Well, I suppose that was the Summer. There's been the Canaries,...

Don't React - Respond
I live in the centre of Manchester and it has many advantages: the restaurants, the bars, the vibrancy, the demonstrations……… the what?...

2nd Curtain Sync, anyone?
Shooting a charity firewalk. The charity is Kidscan, a child cancer charity. A super group to be able to support. Their contact...

The year book
I need to start putting together a print book for 2016. I started printing at least one book a year a while ago and it is now an annual...
Really nice feedback
Had a test shoot with a prospective corporate client on Friday and delivered the images today. And received this response. Hi John Just...

Those move easiest who have learn'd to dance
Not my words - Alexander Pope I get what he is saying. Over the last couple of years, I have been lucky to shoot a movement theatre...

Walking, talking, shooting
I haven't posted since March but then there has been too many things to do rather than write :-). The walking once a month in the Peak...

Trying something
I had a painting, not seen it for 10 years, it left me with a former wife: life. It was a portrait by Philip French, an artist with a...

They say you can never go back
Travel is a big thing for me; it is at a core of why I get up in the mornings. To see new places, meet new people, experience different...

The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Just every now and then, it is good to take a breath and look at what you are doing and more importantly, who supports what you do. ...
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