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The Last Days of Manchester

I was up shooting on the wasteland again this week. It could become my favourite location; city backdrop, water, grassland, dereliction. Anyway, there has been a paper fire up in that area that is going to take a long time to fully extinguish. In the meantime, the smoke makes an apocalyptic backdrop to the image attached here and also produced a hazed out effect to the Beetham Tower.

I have been doing a lot of scanning this week. With Margarette's demise, there have been boxes opened that have not seen the light of day in years and there are photographs in many of them. I will get them all into digital to act as another way of them surviving. Some great pictures, including 35mm slides that I will get digitised.

In another aspect of life, we got the go ahead to lay a minefield in Manchester at the start of April. Say what?? I do some workk with MAG, the Mines Advisory Group and on 4 April it is Landmine Awareness Day. We have agreement to set up demining kit in Spinningfields and let people sweep looking for metal MAG pins. Awareness raising for a brilliant charity.

And the sun has suddenly reappeared and everywhere seems a bit perkier; people sitting out, cars with sun roofs down and we two looking at the travel diary for the year ahead. Could be interesting :-)

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